
Standardized Exams

Tutoring Services

Tutoring Program

PSAT/SAT and ACT Test Prep

The PSAT, SAT, and ACT are standardized tests used for admission by most universities and colleges offering undergraduate programs in the United States. The PSAT is a practice SAT designed for students in grades 9-11, while the SAT and ACT are typically taken in the junior and senior years of high school for college admission. All three measure the skills and knowledge that are needed to succeed in college. The PSAT and SAT have 4 parts: Reading, Writing and Language, Math, and an optional Essay, while the ACT has English, Math, Reading, and Science with an optional Writing section.

Our tutors are professionals with extensive experience preparing students for the PSAT/SAT and ACT. Students learn valuable strategies, understand the test design, and engage in practice problems with instructor guidance and advice. They will also complete and receive feedback on official PSAT/SAT and/or ACT test sections. One-on-one sessions with an expert tutor are proven to optimize student learning and improve student scores. Tutors use current research, theory, and pedagogy to create a positive learning environment for students. Tutors assess the student’s needs, then design specific lessons to build on strengths and address weaknesses. These lessons focus on test content and key strategies for success.

Our tutoring prepares students for the PSAT, SAT, or ACT in the following ways:

  • Tutors explicitly teach the test format and question types for all sections and provide strategies related to pacing and accuracy.
  • Students learn the following reading skills: finding text evidence, recognizing how authors use evidence, drawing inference and meaning from graphics, honing an argumentative claim, and adding supporting details.
  • Students learn s to comprehend words using context clues, and how word choice and syntax contribute to the meaning, style, and tone in a passage.
  • Tutors introduce texts from science, social studies, and history. They teach students to examine, interpret, and consider the implications of the data presented.
  • Students learn logical organization patterns of writing and practice standard English language conventions.
  • Tutors prepare students with lessons related to linear equations and systems of algebra, problem-solving, data analysis, and more complex equations related to geometry and trigonometry.
  • Students preparing for the ACT will also review and practice skills required in the natural sciences such as reasoning, interpretation, evaluation, and problem-solving.
TOEFL iBT Test Prep

The TOEFL is the English language test most widely accepted for admission to colleges and universities and professional agencies around the world. The TOEFL iBT measures a student’s proficiency in the English language used in academic settings. The test is broken into four sections- Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.

Our tutors are native English-speaking test preparation professionals who work with students preparing for the TOEFL iBT test. One-on-one sessions with an expert tutor are proven to optimize student learning and improve student scores. Tutors use current research, theory, and pedagogy to create a positive learning environment for students. Tutors assess the student’s needs, then design specific lessons to build on strengths and address weaknesses. Lessons focus on mastering test content and understanding key strategies specific to success on the TOEFL iBT.

Our tutoring prepares students for the TOEFL iBT in the following ways:

  • Tutors use a tutor-student interaction approach proven to solidify concepts and learning by prompting questions and eliciting dialogue.
  • Tutors teach reading strategies important to scoring success. These include identifying three categories of reading passages: exposition, argumentation, and historical.
  • Students learn to identify and accurately answer three reading question types: basic information, inferencing, and reading to learn.
  • Tutors teach active listening, and students learn how to identify and accurately answer basic comprehension questions, pragmatic understanding questions, and connecting information questions.
  • Students participate in oral language practice and instruction related to pronunciation, grammar, and syntax.
  • Students learn to organize an effective TOEFL iBT test response to each of the 6 speaking questions.
  • Tutors teach strategies for the Integrated Writing Task and the Independent Writing Task, and students engage in writing practice with tutor feedback.
IELTS Test Prep

The IELTS English language tests are widely accepted for admission to higher education institutions, professional registration purposes, training programs, and migration to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. The IELTS Academic measures a student’s proficiency in the English language most often used in academic settings. The IELTS General Training focuses on assessing the basic language used in social and workplace contexts. Both tests assess language proficiency across four domains: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Our tutors are native English-speaking test preparation professionals available to help prepare students for either of the IELTS tests. One-on-one sessions with an expert tutor are proven to improve student scores and optimize learning. Tutors use current research, theory, and pedagogy to create a positive learning environment for students. Tutors assess the student’s needs, then design specific lessons to build on strengths and address weaknesses. Lessons focus on mastering test content and understanding key strategies specific to success on the IELTS tests.

Our tutoring prepares students for the IELTS tests in the following ways:

  • Tutors use a “tutor-student interaction approach” proven to solidify concepts and learning by prompting questions and eliciting dialogue.
  • Tutors explicitly teach the test format and question types (tasks) for all four sections, with tips and strategies related to pacing and accuracy.
  • Tutors teach important listening skills and strategies. Students learn to listen for the main idea and specific facts; identify the purpose of a phrase or sentence; understand the attitude or opinion expressed, and explain a conversation or lecture’s ideas from start to finish.
  • Students learn reading skills to answer questions based on finding the main idea, naming specific details, comprehending various aspects of an argument, and recognizing the author’s opinion and purpose.
  • Tutors highlight specific writing skills for optimum test scores. Students learn to identify and describe important information in a graph or diagram, and to write an organized argument that supports ideas with textual evidence.
  • Students participate in oral language practice and instruction related to pronunciation, grammar, and syntax. Students also practice organizing ideas, response strategies, and specific speaking skills relevant to the IELTS assessment.
ISEE Test Prep

The ISEE is a standardized test for grades 2-12 used for admission to independent schools worldwide. It assesses skills, reasoning, and achievement, and it ranks students based on independent school applicants in the same grade who have taken the test over the past three years. The test includes an essay, as well as sections on verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, and mathematics achievement.

Our tutors have extensive experience preparing students for the ISEE. One-on-one sessions with an expert tutor are proven to optimize student learning and improve student scores. Students learn valuable strategies to understand the test design and engage in practice problems with instructor guidance. Tutors use current research, theory, and pedagogy to create a positive learning environment. Tutors assess the student’s needs, then design specific lessons to build on strengths and address weaknesses. Lessons focus on test content and key strategies for success.

Our tutoring prepares students for the ISEE in the following ways:

  • Tutors use a tutor-student interaction approach proven to solidify concepts and learning by prompting questions and eliciting dialogue.
  • Tutors explicitly teach test format and question types for all sections using sample test questions. They focus on tips and strategies related to pacing, accuracy, and overall familiarity with the test.
  • Students learn strategies for verbal reasoning including vocabulary practice and understanding words in context. Students practice academic vocabulary at grade level, focusing on synonyms and sentence completion.
  • Tutors teach skills for quantitative reasoning related to comparing, analyzing data, predicting, drawing conclusions, and finding statistical solutions to problems.
  • Tutors solidify curriculum-based, grade-level concepts in reading including finding the main and supporting ideas, inferencing, organization of the text, tone, style, language, and vocabulary.
  • Students practice curriculum-based, grade-level concepts in mathematics which may include: problem-solving, measurement, data analysis, number and operations, algebra and geometry, and data analysis and probability.
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